Hi everyone!
I am Sandra Álvarez-Carretero, a computational biologist working as a research fellow at University College London (CLOE) with Ziheng Yang, Phil Donoghue, and Mario dos Reis.

Even though now I cannot imagine a day working without my laptop, my career started at the wet lab and, little by little, I specialised in computer science.
You can learn more about my research in evolution by following the next links:
- Open source projects and pipelines available as GitHub repositories under my account @sabifo4.
- Extended CV with links to relevant resources in the About section of this website.
You can also check my personal linktr.ee site or my personal Muse site for an easy access to the following content:
- Social media accounts that I use for research purposes.
- Scheduled courses/workshops that I am going to teach.
- Most relevant computational tools that I have developed.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss possible collaborations (e.g., you would like me to join a project, give a talk, teach a workshop/course, develop/help develop a specific bioinformatics tool, etc.), please fill out this form or contact me.